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Lebanon Christian Middle School

The middle school program focuses on Christian leadership and values as we begin to prepare students for high school and beyond. Chapel is once a week.

Google Classroom is used for middle school. Chromebooks are provided for all middle school students.

Classes and Extracurricular

Christian leadership skills are modeled daily by our staff and incorporated throughout the day. Bible curriculum is taught in the classroom every day and Chapel is weekly. Classes consist of Math, Science, History, ELA and Bible. Google Classroom is used for middle school students. Chromebooks are provided. Enrichment opportunities include Spanish, ART, Music, Choir, Band, Physical Education, and Weightlifting.

Middle/High School Curriculum

Reading/ELA/Literature: Bob Jones *novel studies
Math: McGaw Hill
Science and History: Bob Jones
Bible: Bob Jones and Summit
Spanish: Asi se Dice



LCS is dedicated to building the next generation of Christian leaders.