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Lebanon Christian High School

High School Course Descriptions



In this course students will be challenged to consider many of the most difficult questions regarding Christianity and to make a decision about Jesus Christ.  Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: introduction to apologetics, the definition and importance of truth, existence of God, authenticity of Scripture, miracles, historicity of Jesus and his bodily resurrection, and the problem of evil.

Survey of the Bible

In a world where a basic knowledge and understanding of the Bible can be difficult to attain, this course acts as a tool to help individuals gain a “big picture” perspective of God’s Word.  In particular, this course will give students a glimpse as to how God has worked throughout history to initiate and carry out His plan of redemption for the human race, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Introductions to the Old and New Testament will be presented and a survey of each of the sixty-six books will be conducted.

Life Applications

Life Applications is a Bible course that concentrates on four areas of Biblical study. The Book of James – studies related to the author, major themes, and practical applications that can be drawn from the book. Topics to include: humility, perseverance, working faith, self-control, and heavenly versus earthly wisdom. Preparation of Marriage and Family – lessons dealing with Biblical standards for dating, courtship, and marriage focusing on marriage as a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. The Life of Jesus – Jesus Christ being the central figure of all human history, this section of the course is dedicated to a better understanding of the cultural, political and historical environment of Jesus Christ. It provides insight into His influence on both mankind in general and the individual in particular. Other Religions – a look at major religious ideologies that attempt to undermine the supremacy of Christianity. The three major areas of consideration are atheism, pantheism, and monotheism and how to deal with each of them according to the truth of Christianity.


English 9

Ninth grade English continues to build on the sequential review and development of grammar and communication skills in writing.  An evaluation of world literature develops analytical skills using examples of short stories, the novella, the novel, poetry, and drama selected from a variety of periods and authors. A research paper using appropriate style, format and documentation will examine the conflict between the secular moral struggle and the Christian worldview.

English 10

English 10 undertakes the study of the literature of the ancient civilizations (Hebrew, Greek, Roman, etc.) and European literature during the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, The Age of Rationalism, the Romantics and Realists, and the literature of the Modern world. Grammar and vocabulary will also be studied as well as research and writing.

English 11

At the start of the course, students will be guided through a series of lessons purposed specifically at helping all students become more mature writers and more astute readers. These reading and writing skills will then be continuously reinforced throughout the remainder of the course lessons. The 11th grade English course places its literary focus on texts specifically from American Literature. Two modules take students through a comprehensive summary of American literature, spanning from the first settlers and their writings through every major literary period, including: the Age of Faith, Age of Reason, the Romantic and Realist movements, the Harlem Renaissance, and up to Modern day literature. Literary genres will include: poetry, short stories, personal diaries, nonfiction essays, a novel, and drama. Students will be able to study the classic American novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, and also the drama Our Town. As students read to understand literature, they will be able to reflect on the literary works through various styles of writing, including: creative writing, expository writing, essay and short answer responses, and thoughtful literary analysis. The writing portion of 11th grade will also include a full research module in which students will be able to go through the various stages of creating a proper, grade-level appropriate research project, culminating with a well-developed research paper.

English 12

English 12 provides the student with a broad overview of British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, and the Renaissance periods through the Modern. Seniors will take on the challenge of the British masters including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, and many others. Uniting the study of various genres will be extensive writing activities as well as vocabulary, grammar, and research.

Physical Education & Health

Physical Education (One Semester)*

Physical Education is a one semester course designed to allow the student to gain a basic understanding of physical fitness activities that will enhance the lifestyle of health and wellness.  An important goal is to realize that, as a believer in Christ; the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are responsible for maintaining it as a faithful steward.  To accomplish this, the student will engage in various anaerobic and aerobic exercises and log 75 hours of exercise and activities which will help to develop total body strength and fitness. Video demonstrations help engage the students in fitness activities and students will be required to upload short videos of themselves so that their teacher can determine that proper techniques are being used to prevent injury.  Students in both PE courses will have same-gender instructors. All videos are uploaded behind Liberty University’s Firewall for safety and security purposes.

Physical Education (Full Year)

Physical Education is a year long course designed to build upon the basic principles of the one semester course. This course will be rigorous in both the aerobic and anaerobic activities.  A continued emphasis will be placed upon the goal to realize that, as a believer in Christ, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are responsible for maintaining it as a faithful steward.  The requirements for the course will be 150 total hours of exercise, which will be logged in the same manner as the one semester course. Video demonstrations help engage the students in fitness activities and students will be required to upload short videos of themselves so that their teacher can determine that proper techniques are being used to prevent injury.  Students in both PE courses will have same-gender instructors. All videos are uploaded behind Liberty University’s Firewall for safety and security purposes.

Girl’s High School Health (One Semester)*

Girl’s High School Health (HPE G100) is a uniquely designed one semester health course that will teach girls to view their health from a Biblical perspective. It will assist them in developing a wholeness approach in dealing with their health. Spiritual, mental, physical health and wellness are covered, along with community and preventative health. Girls will realize a healthy lifestyle beginning from the inside out will have earthly and eternal benefits. The curriculum introduces students to Biblical truth regarding health, as well as practical teachings and applications. They will be taught preventative health and how to obtain, maintain, and improve proper health, well-being, and safety.

Boy’s High School Health (One Semester) *

Boys’ high school health is a one-semester course on developing overall health and wellness in the following areas: Spiritual, Mental and Emotional, Physical, Social, and Preventative (First Aid and Safety). Students will be introduced to faithful stewardship of their bodies as it relates to a lifetime of health and wellness.

High School PE & Health (Full Year)

High School Health and PE (HPE B150 or HPE G150) is a full year course that consists of a first semester of PE and a second semester of Health. The first semester is designed to cause students to engage in physical fitness activities that will enhance their ability to maintain a lifestyle of physical health and wellness. It is important to realize that, as a believer in Christ, the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and Christians are responsible for maintaining it as a faithful steward. To accomplish this, the student will engage in various anaerobic and aerobic exercises as well as log 75 hours of exercise activities which will develop total body strength and fitness. The second semester will teach students to view their health from a Biblical perspective, and it will assist them in developing a holistic approach to their personal health. Spiritual, mental, and physical health and wellness are covered, along with community and preventative health topics. Students will realize that a healthy lifestyle begins from the inside out and will have both present and eternal benefits. The curriculum introduces students to both a physiological understanding of the human body, as well as biblical truth and practical teachings.

*One Semester Course


World History I

The first half of World History uses a Biblical worldview to survey early African, American, Asian, and European cultures from creation to the establishment of early societies in the Americas. A Biblical approach to World History will demonstrate that man, though made in the image of God, is innately sinful and has limitations and is in need of redemption. The course uses the Bible as a historical source to complement historical research and study to reveal God as the prime architect in human history and Jesus Christ as central to that history. Students will also study the geography of ancient civilizations in an attempt to understand their patterns of behavior, including religion, science, economy, and government.

World History II

The second half of World History uses a Biblical worldview to survey African, American, Asian, and European cultures from the fall of Rome in AD 476 to modern times. A Biblical approach to World History will demonstrate that man, though made in the image of God, is innately sinful and has limitations and is in need of redemption. The course uses the Bible as a historical source to complement historical research and study to reveal God as the prime architect in human history and Jesus Christ as central to that history.

United States History

United States History provides an overview of the progression of the American republic from early exploration to the present. It will examine the development of the American nation with special attention paid to the political, intellectual, economic, religious, and cultural influences on the development of the United States as an exceptional nation with a unique place in the global context.


Government is needed to restrain sin; to preserve order; and to protect the life, liberty, and property of all individuals.  This course will evaluate the foundation of American Government.  Paying particular attention to the purpose and roles of all government, the course will emphasize the United States Constitution, the three branches of government, the separation of powers, and the issues, interests and institutions of American politics. The primary purpose of this course is to train people for effective citizenship. 


Economics is an introductory course in both microeconomics and macroeconomics, including a discussion on the relationship between worldview and economic theory, with an emphasis upon free market economics. Students will be presented with microeconomics theories as it relates to the nature of property and property ownership, the laws of supply and demand, profits and incentives, the morality of markets, the role of market information, the price system, as well as monetary theory. The section on macroeconomics will cover the role of civil government in the free market place, as well as the growth of government involvement in the economy, which includes discussions on political economy and public policy. In this regard, topics such as taxation, monetary and inflationary policies, the role of unions and organized labor, tariffs, minimum wage laws and unemployment, and price caps will be addressed. Keynesian economic theory will also be presented. 

*One Semester Course


Algebra 1

Algebra 1 is a math course that presents the fundamental concepts of algebraic thinking and operations. The course will give students instruction and practice in the areas of equations, functions, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents, polynomials and factoring. The student will also investigate topics related to quadratic functions and equations, exponential and radical functions, and data analysis and probability. As the students progresses through the course he/she will be presented the material through video lecture, daily practice, remediation as needed, and preparation for further math studies.


Geometry combines the skills of algebraic thinking with the abstract concepts of plane geometry to give the student a good foundation in mathematical logical thinking and the skills needed to develop sequential proofs. The material includes the exploration and practice of inductive and deductive reasoning, the Pythagorean Theorem, properties and principles related to polygons, and a more detailed look at trigonometric ratios. As the student is presented material through video lectures and practice, he/she will become more familiar with constructions, the measurement of angles, and relationships such as similarity and congruency.

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 is a math course that builds on the material covered in Algebra 1 with more detail and added subject matter. Beyond the basics of Algebra 1 this course develops skills related to linear systems in two and three dimensions, matrices, complex numbers, conic sections-their properties and equations, and a thorough study of trigonometric functions, graphs and identities. The student will be presented the material through video lectures, daily practice and animated examples. Building on the foundation of Algebra 1, the student will expand his/her knowledge of functions including exponential, radical and logarithmic functions.


Pre-Calculus will begin with a review of essential algebraic concepts such as exponents, radicals, polynomials, factoring, and complex numbers. The student will then study material related to trigonometric identities, systems of equations and matrices, and graphing everything from linear and quadratic functions to vectors and polar coordinates. Concepts such as absolute value, synthetic division, and radical expressions will be coupled with real applications of trigonometric functions, combinations and probability. As the material is presented through video lectures and illustrations the student will be given opportunity to practice learned skills and explore topics such as limits, differentiation and integration.

Personal Financial Literacy*

Personal Financial Literacy is one semester course that provides the student basics on financial practices and literacy. Topics such as goal setting, money management, insurance principles, and consumer rights will be coupled with projects that allow the student to display real life investigation and insight into financial management. The student will use mathematical operations and skills to solve problems involving interest, investment, and sound financial planning.

*One Semester Couse


Earth Science

God designed the Earth with unique properties and characteristics. He created a delicate balance amongst the systems of the earth, the solar system, and the universe. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the Earth’s systems, their interrelationships with each other, and man’s effect on the earth. Students will be given the opportunity to explore rocks and minerals, geology, Earth’s interior, Earth’s geologic history, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, weather, storms, climate, oceans, the solar system, and stars and galaxies. The students will be given the challenge to explore the rationale behind secular, old earth, and young earth science in order to be more effective at presenting the Gospel scientifically. The course is a rigorous, multimedia and laboratory-based science course that will require supplies for the hands-on labs.


Biology is an examination of God’s living creations beginning at the atomic level, progressing to the cellular level, and then continuing on to the organism as a whole. The course focuses on the Scientific Method to utilize the student’s critical thinking skills. The course incorporates a virtual laboratory component to develop the students’ understanding as well as provide real world applications. The student should have completed or be currently enrolled in Algebra I to be successful in biology.


Chemistry begins its study of God’s creation at its most basic level: the atom and its components. The course then focuses on the other basic principles of matter, their properties and reactions. The Scientific Method is used to develop the student’s critical thinking skills. The course incorporates a virtual laboratory component to expand the student’s understanding as well as provide real world applications. Chemistry students should have completed or be currently enrolled in Algebra II, successfully to function in this course.


Physics is a general course intended to expose students to the physical and mathematical relationships that allow us to describe the world that God has created. The first semester of this course focuses on Newtonian Mechanics while the second semester covers a variety of topics including Electricity and Magnetism, Sound and Light Waves, and Modern Physics. The course incorporates a virtual laboratory component to expand the students understanding as well as provide real world applications. To successfully function in this physics course, students should have completed or be enrolled in Algebra II.


Fine Art and Career Technology Electives

Required for all high school students. Fulfills .5 credit of the 3 credit hour requirement for Fine Art and Career Technology

Academic Success and Career Planning is designed to equip students to be successful online students and guide them in making wise choices for further career or academic endeavors. This course offers an orientation to the purpose and mission of LUOA and how a student’s academic performance should be viewed in relationship to the biblical worldview.  Included in this course are resources to enhance a student’s scholastic pursuits including communication, study, note-taking, and time management skills; reading and comprehension strategies; methods for evaluation of resources for research and writing; and approaches for future career planning.

Suggested for Juniors and Seniors only. All other requests will be reviewed by department chairs.

This course guides students in understanding application skills in Computer concepts, Email Concepts, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2013, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. The course will introduce the student to the operation and use of computers. Specific applications taught include operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation software. Students will use these applications to design, develop, create, and edit documents, spreadsheets, databases and presentations. In addition, students will learn basic terminology and concepts related to the use of computers in today’s society.

Suggested for Juniors and Seniors only. All other requests will be reviewed by department chairs.

This course guides students in integration of Microsoft Office applications including: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, and Microsoft Access 2013. The course will introduce the student to intermediate and advanced computer applications. Specific applications taught include, word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation software. Students will use these applications to design, develop, create, and edit documents, spreadsheets, databases and presentations. This course provides the IT foundations that are applicable for all curriculums.

Note: This course is designed for PC use and strongly recommended; however, a Mac can be used to complete a majority of the course. Please note there will be several functions unavailable on a Mac that are needed to complete some of the required assignments. You will need to have access to a PC to successfully complete this course.

This semester-long course is an introduction to the goals, processes, and operations of business enterprises for students. The main focus is on the functions that a company – whether a multinational corporation or a corner grocery store – must manage effectively to be successful. These include accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations management, and strategic planning. Attention is also given to the legal environment in which businesses operate, and the importance of business ethics and corporate citizenship.

This course is designed to establish foundational skills to provide the student with the basic understanding of the major aspects of family life using a multi-dimensional approach. Modules include instruction of successful living while analyzing basic proficiency levels in food and nutritional fitness, international cuisine, and preparation and planning for large gatherings.

Have you ever dreamed of playing the guitar? Whether you love music, want to play guitar for your family and friends, or desire to be a music star, this course is a great place to start. No prior music experience is needed. You will learn the fundamentals of music and the basic skills necessary to play a wide variety of music styles. Student guides, Carlos and Ariel, will guide you through each step of this journey towards becoming a skilled guitarist and musician. This course can be used as a performing/fine arts credit to meet the art requirement for high school graduation.

Music Appreciation provides instruction in basic musical elements and instruments, traces the development and growth of several forms of music, and give students a foundation to appreciate music more fully. Students will be exposed to several genres of music in the world around them and discover how they experience music. Students will learn the names and backgrounds of several famous musical composers and their contribution to their particular genre. Students will also learn how and where classical music began, how it developed over the centuries, the ways in which classical music has affected modern music, and the ways in which music and culture affect one another.

Foreign Language Electives

French I includes mastery of basic concepts with an introduction into more complicated ones. Through the use of web-based technology, students will begin this exciting journey into learning a second language. Not only will the students build language skills, but they will also learn about various French speaking cultures. Students can expect to speak throughout the course and to use their new language both written and orally in each of their assignments. Additionally, students will learn more about their own faith by reading the Bible in French and contemplating worldview issues through the eyes of various cultures.

French II includes mastery of more advanced concepts with an introduction into most complicated ones. Through the use of web-based technology, students will continue their exciting journey into learning a second language. Not only will the students build language skills, but they will also learn about various French-speaking cultures. Students can expect to speak throughout the course and to use their language both written and orally in each of their assignments. Additionally, students will learn more about their own faith by reading the Bible in French and contemplating worldview issues through the eyes of various cultures.

Students in Spanish I will master the basic concepts of Spanish and be introduced to more complicated concepts. Through the use of web-based technology, students will begin this exciting journey into learning a second language. Not only will the students build language skills, but they will also learn about various Spanish speaking cultures. Students can expect to speak throughout the course and to use their new language both written and orally in each of their assignments. Additionally, students will learn more about their own faith by reading the Bible in Spanish and contemplating worldview issues through the eyes of various cultures.

Spanish II includes mastery of more advanced concepts with an introduction into most complicated ones. Through the use of web-based technology, students will continue their exciting journey into learning a second language. Not only will the students build language skills, but they will also learn about various Spanish speaking cultures. Students can expect to speak throughout the course and to use their language both written and orally in each of their assignments. Additionally, students will learn more about their own faith by reading the Bible in Spanish and contemplating worldview issues through the eyes of various cultures.

Spanish III includes mastery of the preterit and imperfect tenses while providing extensive work with new and more advanced concepts such as the conditional, the present perfect, the past perfect, passive tenses and the subjunctive mood. Through the use of web-based technology, students will continue their exciting journey into learning a second language. Not only will the students build language skills, but they will also learn about various Spanish speaking cultures – all in Spanish. Students can expect to speak throughout the course and to use their language both written and orally in each of their assignments. Additionally, students will learn more about their own faith by reading the Bible in Spanish and contemplating worldview issues through the eyes of various cultures.

General Electives

America’s Colonial Foundations provides an introduction to the major topics of the establishment of British North America, their political economic and social structures, religious and intellectual characteristics and the transition from distant citizens of Great Britain to a new American identity. It will examine changing relationships with Native Americans, development of racial slavery as a labor source, and European cultural influences on the various colonial regions.

Throughout the course of American Literature, students will be able to encounter and experience the full span of America’s rich literary history. The course begins with the literary contributions of America’s first settlers, and explores how their faith and difficult circumstances shaped their lives and the literature through which they captured these early moments of America. The course then moves through the Age of Faith, during which the core of American Literature was shaped by a strong and foundational faith, and then into the Age of Reason, during which the world of science and modern thinking started to shape the literature of the times. The study of literature then moves into the Romantic period, and then the Realist period, both of which shaped American Literature at its core and brought about significant changes to the style, structure, and purpose of literature. The introduction of Modern literature includes the literature of the early 1900s, including the Harlem Renaissance, and then Post-Modern literature brings students into the study of current day texts. Overall, the course includes literature spanning from the 1500’s to current day, and introduces students to some of the greatest authors and works in American Literature. Genres that are included are: nonfiction essays, diaries, sermons, letters, and editorials, fictional short stories, novel excerpts, and an array of poetry.

This course provides a generalized overview of British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon Era to the Restoration.  It covers major works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama and introduces students to the historical context, author’s influence, and literary impact of the works.

This course provides an introduction to the major topics of the establishment of British North America, their political economic and social structures, religious and intellectual characteristics and the transition from distant citizens of Great Britain to a new American identity. It will examine changing relationships with Native Americans, development of racial slavery as a labor source, and European cultural influences on the various colonial regions.

College Planner is a suggested elective course for all students who intend to move directly from high school to college. It provides the student with a process that walks him or her through finding God’s plan in the next educational step and provides practical guides through the college planning process from considering the kind of school that is best suited to the student to application and acceptance. Portions of the course include instruction on financial aid planning, writing the college essay, and making the best use of college campus visits. Also covered is an overview of basic expectations for the first year at college, including a section on college level reading, writing, and research.

Consumer Math is an elective course that covers topics related to basic mathematical skills, and then directs the student to apply those skills in real life situations and problems. The course will offer a review of basic skills related to math operations and properties. The student will learn how to apply math in a variety of ways in order to be a better-educated and informed consumer. Included in the course of study will be a survey of basic financial practices and computations that correlate to business and personal money management.

The Story of the Constitution provides a survey of the history of the United States Constitution emphasizing the ideological origins of Constitutional Principals and the history of the drafting, adoption, amendment and application of the Constitution.

Creativity in humans is evidence of God’s image within, and the exercise of that creativity through the medium of the written word gives rise to the possibility of impacting both the present and the future for eternity.  A close study of God’s written word demonstrates His appreciation for the literary elements of writing in the figurative and precise diction present in the Bible as evidenced in Scripture’s inclusion of poetry, the historical narrative, and the beautifully creative.  This Creative Writing course provides the student with an outlet to express (or discover!) that part of his or her God-reflecting image through the study of the elements of narrative non-fiction, short fiction, poetry, and drama as well as the application of those through the student’s original creative non-fiction compositions, short stories, poems, scripts, and plays.

Everyone has an occasion to speak in public. Sometimes it may be as the main speaker at a specific event, other times it could consist of leading a small group discussion such as a Bible study, or it could simply be a conversation between two people. In order to be an effective public speaker, it is important to know some basics about purpose, research, situation, types of speeches, and the audience. This course will present information, exercises and example speeches to clarify the main points related to public speaking.

Trigonometry is a one-semester course designed to take the student through a detailed study of trigonometric identities. The material will include topics on graphs and functions, the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines, vectors, complex numbers and polar coordinates. The student will take a closer look at conic sections, exponential and logarithmic functions, and inverse trigonometric functions. The subject matter will be presented by video lecture, daily practice, and include sample video solutions, a glossary of terms and other ancillary materials to aid in learning.

*One Semester Course



LCS is dedicated to building the next generation of Christian leaders.