Artboard 1



LCS Vision:

Live with Integrity
Engage in Service
Achieve Excellence
Dedicated to Christ

Danon Krupa, mom of a 2nd grade student at LCS
What I love most about Lebanon Christian School is the ability, as a parent, to be as involved as I would like to be in my child’s day. Examples are attending chapel, coming in for lunch, helping out with classroom parties, and attending Parent/Teacher Fellowship (PTF) meetings. As a parent you are encouraged to be an active participant in the whole education experience!
Amy Johnson, mom of a 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th grader at LCS
We are so thankful for the opportunity to send our children to LCS. Knowing that our kids are being taught through the lens of a biblical worldview, and that they have opportunities to process their faith alongside their learning, is an incredible gift. The LCS family is just that - a family! It's a refreshing mix of a family on a mission, as well as a focused, academically strong learning environment.
Jennifer Clarke- LCS Parent
We're incredibly grateful for the decision to enroll our children at Lebanon Christian School. Switching midway through the school year nearly two years ago, we were amazed at the warm welcome and care they received during the transition. Even with LCS's growth, we truly value the intimate, small-school atmosphere where our kids form lasting friendships with classmates over the years. It's more than just a school; it feels like being part of a close-knit extended family. Walking through the halls during pick-up fills me with joy as I see familiar faces of both teachers and kids. While the teachers excel in fostering academic achievement, what truly touches us is their commitment to nurturing our children's spiritual growth. One parent likened it to a 'greenhouse' rather than a 'Jesus bubble'—a safe space where our kids learn about God, biblical truths, and build their faith before stepping into the wider world. Surprisingly, having a preteen daughter in LCS Middle School has been a delight. Her growing independence, her delightful personality as a young lady growing in her faith, and her genuine enjoyment of school among friends make us grateful for this unique experience in today's world.
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Serving Lebanon Ohio and surrounding communities
Since 1973

Lebanon Christian Schools is committed to graduating highly skilled leaders that can and will affect their worlds for Christ. We are proud to stand upon our effectiveness, as we observe our former students participating in all levels of society: including military, medicine, engineering, entrepreneurship, and government. We are committed to expanding our reach in the areas of academic excellence, leadership, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship by exposing our students to community, business, and government leaders through lecture and internships at the High School level.

When compared in normative testing, our students consistently score 10-20 points higher than the average. All academic efforts are meant to prepare our students for successful testing in ACT and SAT environments.

Info & News


January 29, 2024

Dear EdChoice Families:
We are quickly approaching the EdChoice application/renewal window for the 2024/25 school year. EdChoice opens the window
sometime in February. As we gear up for the 2024/25 EdChoice application/renewal process, please keep the following in mind:
EdChoice is a scholarship awarded through the State of Ohio. LCS has no control over the award or denial of the scholarship. Lebanon
Christian has no control over the length of time it takes the State to award. However, please note that the Renewal process generally goes
MUCH faster!
It is your responsibility to complete the Income Verification (if required) and YOU send the Income Verification with correct income
information to the State. If the State requests additional income verification, it is your responsibility to send additional documentation to
the State in a timely manner. Income Verification is not needed for Traditional unless you want to try for below 200% income status. If
you are on Expansion and renewing your Scholarship you do not need to verify income again UNLESS you want to try for a lower
income bracket than last year. Reminder, if you are at/below 200% on the income chart we accept the voucher as full payment of your
tuition. If over 200% on the income chart you will need to pay the difference between your voucher and our tuition. Tuition payments
will be paid through your FACTS account automatically and can be made in full, biannually or in monthly installments.
To renew, the school needs the Request for Renewal 24/25 form and proof of address. (Easiest is a current utility bill). We do not need the
birth certificate to renew. Hard copies only. We will no longer be accepting digital documents. Please provide hard copies to the school
office of all required documents. Please do not scan and email. (If your account is not current with the main office you are not
considered enrolled and your EdChoice Request will not be submitted to the State until your account is made current). Families also need
to be reenrolled at LCS, before I can submit your Edchoice to the state.
EdChoice can be used for tuition only. It does not cover your fees. For the 2024/25 school year we are allowing the SSS&P Fee and the
Safety Fee, if you choose, to be rolled into your tuition payment plan. Enrollment and Curriculum fees must be paid before the start of
In the event you are not deemed Eligible for a scholarship by the first day of school, tuition payments will be withheld through your
FACTS account until your scholarship application is moved to Eligible. When your application is moved to Awarded/Accepted and we
have received a payment from EDChoice a refund will be issued for any overpayment of tuition.
If you have any questions regarding the EdChoice Application process, please let me know. I am here to help.

EdChoice Income Verification

2024-2025 EdChoice Request Form

2024-2025 EdChoice Renewal Form 

In HIS Service,
Dana Perkins
Director of Admissions

EdChoice Letter

July 13, 2023

Dear LCS Families,

As many of you may know, on July 4th, 2023, Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 33, which brings significant changes to state education funding. As a result, the State EdChoice Expansion scholarship now includes ALL Ohio households with students in grades K-12. Additionally, the scholarship amounts have increased to an estimated $6,165 (from $5,500) for K-8 students and $8,407 (from $7,500) for 9-12 students. This means that EVERY Lebanon Christian School student residing in Ohio is eligible for some portion of this scholarship.

Please submit the information below to Lebanon Christian School as soon as possible:

  • Complete the EdChoice application.
  • A NEW copy of your student’s state-issued birth certificate.
  • Address verification (please provide to LCS one of the following forms below):
    1. All pages of a utility bill showing a matching billing and service address. The name and address on the bill must match the parent/guardian’s name and address on the EdChoice application. Cell phone bills will NOT be accepted.
    2. Mortgage statement/lease agreement, along with a form of business mail (e.g. credit card bill, bank statement, storage unit bill). The name and address on the statement must match the parent/guardian’s name and address on the EdChoice application.Lebanon Christian School is required to submit all paperwork received above directly to the state on your behalf.
  • Also, as part of the process, you must verify your income with the State of Ohio by submitting a form through the mail or preferably by creating an account on and uploading documentation supporting your household income. Current (2022 or 2023) income must be used. Verification Quick Guide

To help us manage 23-24 tuition, please complete the ‘Intent To Apply’ google form by July 20thCLICK HERE ***If you currently receive EdChoice, and have already completed your paperwork for the 23-24 school year, there are no further steps you need to take***

We encourage you to apply now! If you have any questions please contact Dana Perkins, LCS EdChoice Administrator, at

Kimberly Cope
Head Principal
Lebanon Christian Schools

Beginning of the Year FAQ’s

Hello Lebanon Christian School Families!

We are so excited to welcome you all to the 23-24 school year! The first day of school is approaching fast, and we wanted to send out some common FAQ’s to help you have a smooth transition.

When is Orientation?

August 15th

When is the first day of school?

August 16th (1st-11th)

August 21st (Kindergarten)

School Day details:

Warren St. Campus

Doors Open at 7:10 am. (Doors automatically unlock)

School Starts at 7:30 am. (Doors automatically lock)

School ends at 2:15 pm.

Countryside Campus

Doors Open at 8:25 am

School Starts at 8:50 am

School ends at 3:25pm

Doors automatically unlock at 8:25am. Please either use the carline, or walk your student to the Front Office Doors to their classroom.

The circle by the Church doors are for buses only.

The doors automatically lock at 8:50am. If you arrive after 8:50am, you are required to bring your child to the school office and sign them in.

Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to go or else they will be considered tardy. Please explain to your student that if they need to use the restroom, they need to do it as soon as they get to school to ensure that they are not stuck in the halls at 8:50am.

What are the procedures for morning drop off and afternoon pick up?

  • Morning Drop Off: You can drop off your student using the carline (look for the cones on the side of the building), or by walking your student to their When using the carline we will greet students arriving at the main church entrance.
  • Afternoon Pick Up: Please pick up your child from their teacher’s Enter the building either by going through the Recess Doors or Front Office Doors.

Are the drinking fountains working this year?

Yes, we require water bottles to be brought to school. There is a water refill station for the children to refill their water throughout the day.

May I come to Chapel with my kids?

Yes!! Chapel is on Wednesday at 8am at Warren St. and 9am at Countryside. Chapel dress is required for students (refer to your Parent/Student Handbook for dress code).

If you plan on joining us for Chapel, there will be a sign in sheet in the lobby of the church. You will be required to sign in as a visitor.

What if my student forgets his/her lunch?

Hot Plate lunches are ordered and paid for 1 month in advance. If your child forgets his/her lunch, we will reach out to you and ask if you or someone else is able to bring lunch for your child. We will provide the student with lunch, in the case no one is able to bring one. A charge of $3.75 will be invoiced to your FACTS account.

Countryside & Warren St. You can send $.75 with your child to:

  • Purchase Milk the same day for $.75 (milk does not need to be ordered in advance)
  • Purchase ice cream on Friday for $.75

Can I have lunch with my child?

Yes! All you have to do is stop by the office to sign in as a visitor. You will find out what time your child goes to lunch at your student’s orientation.

Where do I enter the building if I am Volunteering/Visiting?

If you are entering the building for any reason (even to drop off an item to your child’s classroom) between 8:50 am and 3:25 pm, you must enter the school main entrance, stop by the office to sign in, and get a visitor badge. Please stop by the office to sign out when you leave the building. We appreciate you helping us to keep our building safe and secure.

I would like to Volunteer, how do I get involved?

We send out various opportunities in our school newsletter and teachers will also communicate their needs.

When volunteering in the classroom, you must stop by the office to sign in and get a visitor badge. Please sign out when you leave the building.

You can also earn Volunteer Hours for attending the Monthly PTF meetings and getting involved with planning events! Email with any questions.

**20 hours of volunteering are required, per family, per year**

Transportation Changes

If you need to change transportation arrangements for the end of the day, email your teacher and cc, or call the office by:

1:30 Warren St.

2:30 Countryside

We can not guarantee any requests after these times will be honored.

Note: If you email your teacher transportation changes, please be sure to CC the office at just in case there is a sub that day.

When do we find out the bus schedule for our child?

As long as you have done the necessary sign up through your local school district, you will be receiving information as seen below:


Lebanon City Schools available to view online August – Click Here for the website.

Your child’s ID number is DOB ( month, date,year), then student initials

Name: John Doe
Birthdate: 01/02/2012
ID would be: 01022012JD


Little Miami: Information will be received in the mail (513-899-2941)
Lakota: No bus service (call the transportation department for reimbursement)
Kings: No bus service (call the transportation department for reimbursement)
Mason: No bus service
Waynesville: No bus service (call the transportation department for reimbursement)
Springboro: Contact the transportation department (937-748-4462)

Hopefully this helps answer your questions. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us 513-932-5590 or or stop by and see us!

See you on August 16th!!

**For more of our schools policies and rules, please refer to the K-5 Parent/Student Handbook or the MS/HS Parent/Student Handbook**

Upcoming Events

Latest events…

Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsTuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 10:22am
Friday evening our 8th grade students had a blast at their winter formal!! 💃🕺

Thank you Ms Imhoff and our wonderful student council members for all your hard work to make this night a success.
Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsFriday, February 7th, 2025 at 2:39pm
Today the high school students met with a representative from Jostens to discuss ordering their class rings and graduation gear for our seniors!!

Online orders are due by February 13th!
Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsFriday, February 7th, 2025 at 12:17pm
Congratulations to our very own Ms. Jamie Schmidt on achieving her Principal License! We are incredibly proud of you!
Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsThursday, February 6th, 2025 at 3:01pm
The MSHS also celebrated another LCS staff member, Mr. Brophy. He and his beautiful wife are expecting a little girl in just a few short weeks! 🩷
Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsThursday, February 6th, 2025 at 2:17pm
The elementary campus celebrated the soon-to-be arrival of Coach and Rachel Larobina’s twins. 🤩 ❤️
Lebanon Christian Schools
Lebanon Christian SchoolsWednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 5:05pm
Here is a small clip of the praise that went forth today! Enjoy and be blessed. 🙏🏻
Lebanon Christian Schools