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Before and After School Care

Before and after school care is available upon request. This program is administered by and housed at The Academy located at 130 Cook Road, Lebanon Ohio.

Before School Care

Before​ ​School​ ​Care​ means that you may drop off your child between 6:30am and 8:30am and your child will have the option to have breakfast here, do some quiet activities and then we will make sure that your child gets on the bus to be taken to school. If you are in the Lebanon School District, they will bus your child to and from school to The Academy. If you live in the Little Miami School District, your child will be bussed to The Academy in the morning and home in the evening. Also, this year we are happy to announce that we will be able to bus your children from The Academy to Lebanon Christian School’s main campus if your child attends LCS. Lebanon School District will be able to bus them back to The Academy for after school care.

After School Care

After​ ​School​ ​Care​ means that your child may be bussed to or dropped off at The Academy after their school day is over, they will be able to participate in our afternoon activities and we will make sure they catch the bus home if they need to or we will keep them here and they can continue with our afternoon activities until they are picked up.

Vacation Day/Snow Day at The Academy

Vacation​ ​Day/Snow​ ​Day​ ​at​ ​The​ ​Academy​ allows you the opportunity to bring your child to The Academy on days where their regular school is out or closed due to inclement weather. Your child will be able to participate in our regularly scheduled activities throughout the day and receive a hot lunch and snacks throughout the day.

If you are interested in this program, please complete the Crusader Club application and/or contact the Academy for further information.



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